EDI Framework in BizTalk

EDI Enhancements

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EDI Adapter

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The TwoConnect EDI Enhancement builds on the EDI framework in BizTalk, making EDI integration development faster and more flexible while providing a smoother transition from legacy EDI applications.

For over 20 years, TwoConnect has been the trusted industry leader at configuring and customizing Microsoft BizTalk Server, EDI, and AS2 to meet unique compliance needs and security requirements.

With TwoConnect EDI Enhancements, we can save your company significant time and money on all your EDI application and integration development.

TwoConnect provides a full range of services related to the implementation of EDI and AS2 using all versions of BizTalk, including BizTalk 2013. We can provide BizTalk EDI Requirements Analysis, Solution Design, Implementation, ongoing Support on all EDI transaction codes and Mapping. We can even mentor, transfer knowledge and bring your own internal resources to a level that enables them to further develop and support your environment.

We can do all of this at your location or remotely. Whatever you prefer.

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EDI Enhancements

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EDI Enhancement Components

Blue exchange icon

Interchange Splitter

This pipeline component splits multi Interchange transmissions into individual Interchange messages. The component supports mixed X12/EDIFACT transmissions for greater flexibility in trading partner communications.

Violet check icon

Set Agreement

The Set Agreement component allows the developer or administrator to set a specific agreement to use at the Receive Location level. This provides a resolution method required by EDI aggregators that is not supported by BizTalk server.

Purple revert icon

Revert Agreement

The Revert Agreement works in conjunction with the Set Agreement component to preserve original Sender and Receiver configuration on the resulting transactions.

Purple scaling icon

Extended Properties

The Extended Properties component writes or optionally promotes all EDI header values, ISA, GS, UNB and UNG to the message context making all properties available in Orchestrations or for routing and correlation.

Turquoise browser with code brackets icon

Inject Header

The Inject Header component writes the EDI header information, ISA, GS, UNA, UNB and UNG directly into the XML transactions. This makes the header information easily available in maps, policies and any other application components.

Blue scheme icon

Batch Schemas

EDI Enhancements includes assembler compatible batch schemas for X12 and EDIFACT making direct mapping to EDI formats easier.

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